Counselling Centre for Migrant Women and their Families
- are in need
- experience violence
- live in Germany with or without papers
- look for information, counselling and help
We are happy to help you with questions regarding:
- work permit / asylum
- employment and securing livelihood
- marital, partnership and family problems
- parenting and child care
- accommodation and housing
- education and German language courses
- health and pregnancy
- marital issues and divorce
- psychological, physical and sexual violence/abuse
- domestic violence
- female genital cutting (FGM/C)
- forced marriage and honour-based violence
- discrimination
We help you with
- information and counselling in your language
- accompaniment to government offices, doctors, lawyers, etc.
- assistance in an acute emergency situation
Consultation is free, confidential and anonymous (if desired).
+49 (0)69. 87 00 825 – 16